Basic Table

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe [email protected]
Mary Moe [email protected]
July Dooley [email protected]
Striped Rows
Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe [email protected]
Mary Moe [email protected]
July Dooley [email protected]
Bordered Table
Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe [email protected]
Mary Moe [email protected]
July Dooley [email protected]
Borderless Table
Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe [email protected]
Mary Moe [email protected]
July Dooley [email protected]
Hover Rows
Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe [email protected]
Mary Moe [email protected]
July Dooley [email protected]
Contextual Classes
Firstname Lastname Email
Default Defaultson [email protected]
Primary Doe [email protected]
Secondary Moe [email protected]
Success Dooley [email protected]
Danger Refs [email protected]
Warning Activeson [email protected]
Info Activeson [email protected]
Light Activeson [email protected]
Dark Activeson [email protected]
Responsive Tables
# Firstname Lastname Age City Country
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
1 Anna Pitt 35 New York USA
Table Without Borders
User Name Transaction Id Created Status
Harshrath #5182-3467 24 May 2022 Fixed
Zozo Hadid #5182-3412 02 July 2022 In Progress
Martiana #5182-3423 15 April 2022 Completed
Alex Carey #5182-3456 17 March 2022 Pending
Striped rows
ID Date Customer Action
2022R-01 27-010-2022 Moracco
2022R-02 28-10-2022 Thornton
2022R-03 22-10-2022 Larry Bird
2022R-04 29-09-2022 Erica Sean
Striped columns
ID Date Customer Action
2022R-01 27-010-2022 Moracco
2022R-02 28-10-2022 Thornton
2022R-03 22-10-2022 Larry Bird
2022R-04 29-09-2022 Erica Sean
Small Tables
Invoice Created Date Status Action
25-Apr-2021 Paid
29-April-2022 Pending
30-Nov-2022 Paid
01-Jan-2022 Paid
14-Feb-2022 Pending
Table Head Primary
User Name Transaction Id Created Status
Harshrath #5182-3467 24 May 2022
Zozo Hadid #5182-3412 02 July 2022
Martiana #5182-3423 15 April 2022
Alex Carey #5182-3456 17 March 2022
Hoverable Rows
Product Manager Category Team Status
Joanna Smith
img img img +5
Kara Kova
img img +6
Donald Trimb
img img img +2
Justin Gaethje
img img +5
Hoverable rows With striped rows
Invoice Customer Status Date
Mark Cruise
Paid Jul 26,2022
Paid Mar 14,2022
Samantha Julie
Cancelled Feb 1,2022
Simon Cohen
Refunded Apr 24,2022
Always responsive
Team Head Category Role Gmail Team Work Progress Revenue Action
imgMayor Kelly
Manufacturer Team Lead [email protected]
img img img +4
imgAndrew Garfield
Managing Director Director [email protected]
img img img img +4
imgSimon Cowel
Service Manager Manager [email protected]
img img +10
imgMirinda Hers
Recruiter Employee [email protected]
img img img +6
Primary Table
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird Thornton @twitter
Table head options
# thead-primary Last Name Username Role
# thead-secondary Last Name Username Role
# thead-success Last Name Username Role
# thead-warning Last Name Username Role
# thead-info Last Name Username Role
# thead-danger Last Name Username Role
# thead-dark Last Name Username Role
# thead-light Last Name Username Role